A Premium Customizable New York City (NYC) Event, Production and Market Research Venue for All Your Needs

Union Square Loft’s 13 ft. ceiling & hardwood floor loft space nurtures limitless possibilities to create your experience, ranging from a flood of natural light to blackout curtain options. What one day is an inspiring corporate conference room, a private screening room, or workshop space, the next week is a full service creative market research facility. For decades, we’ve worked alongside clients making realities out of their event, media production, and research ideas and needs. Contact us for availability or to schedule a site visit.

Manhattan’s Creative Canvas. Arrive with and idea…leave with a vision.

Union Square Loft’s Legacy

Immerse yourself in the cultural history of Union Square Loft, where each corner tells a story of artistic endeavors and landmark events. For years, our space has offered tailored solutions that adapt to the unique needs of our clients, fostering creativity and connection in the heart of New York City.

Book a viewing!

When booking, please specify the duration and type of event to ensure we tailor the space to your needs. For personalized solutions and assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to make your booking a seamless success.